Friday, December 10, 2010

Learning and Development is a Good Social Collaborative Activity
Why do we have to see these two things as a social collaborative activity?
Can't we just consider those as alive if we can already see them present within the learners personally? Isn't it enough to justify the product of learning?
Well, to rectify such mentality, let us start upon apprehending that collaborative learning is both socially and intellectually
involving. It invites students to build closer connections to other students, teachers, and to the community people that gives an authentic view of applied learning.

This notion gives clear implication that it is a must to connect the expenditure of theories learned in the school unto the social setting. This will be a productive way of attaining the bottom line of learning which is to prepare the students for their future roles as productive members of the society. We need to conceptualize development as the transformation of socially shared activities into internalized processes that signifies the real essence of learning.

For me, the central task of educators is considering of our profession as a system rather than as a set of isolated activities that merely focuses on the transmission of knowledge alone. There must be a universal view of the process in a social situation.
This principle highlights the concept of interdependence of social and individual processes that must be integrated intellectually by the teachers to make the learning process active.

Out-of-school experiences should be related to the child's school experience.

The Concept behind this principle is that, the socially structured interdependence of teaching , and educational intervention provides a starting point for applied learning theories.

My analyses are based on the concept that human activities take place in cultural contexts, are mediated by language and other symbol systems, and can be best understood when investigated in their practical development in the society.

The teachers can never isolate the learnings gained from the school and the outside world. with this, the activities must be of the same purpose so as to fully attain the maximum level of knowledge construction as justified by constructivist theory of application in social context.

There must be a healthy relationship between the learners and the rest of the factors that affects learning not only within the school but also unto the community (out-of-school) social settings.

This implies that the relation of the two settings mentioned must be in line with the same objectives to avoid conlficting understanding and may lead to the failure of the implementation of the theories learned. The concepts gathered at school must be justified and validated by the learners in the society itself. Because nothing's more authentic place for implementation of instructions but only the community where we belong.

Learning institutions could have only existed for intellectual (cognitive) purposes alone, if and only the community already can serve as the best training ground that caters purely positive and productive practical lessons unto the minds of the youth. -- ELMA -- *^_^*

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Philosophy As An Educator

To Teach is To Touch Lives Forever

My main goal as an educator is not only limited on cognitive aspects. There is a need to explore the entire being of my students. I have to scrutinize their totality and rectify their immaturity. Change them into better individuals by merging their two conflicting worlds

—youth and maturity.

The teaching profession involves many-sided tasks. The toil to be ventured must be filled with sacrifices accompanied with passion, patience and enthusiasm. Arduous as it seems, it is not easy, and never will it be. Even though it’s paradoxical to say that, it must also be installed on my heart and mind to be truly awake in the world I chose to be a part of. Being aware of its complications is also a major step in getting to know what the teaching profession really is.

I am now in the phase of life wherein I am called to perform with excellence. My plans must be perfected with such an unadulterated aspiration to mitigate impact unto the novice minds of the youth I will be teaching. With strong faith, coupled with precedent potential and ease for greater outcomes, I will then be one of the most productive educators of my generation.

Being in this profession entails many things that involves not just purely knowledge but the wisdom beyond what the human brain alone can incapacitate.

As I go on with my journey as an education student, I learned that I need to grow and eventually live by the virtue of being an exceptional teacher by following this philosophy I have to inculcate in my entire being that I am a teacher because I am a licensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence. I am practicing a set of ethical moral principles, standards and values.