This instructor of mine wake my young mind up that life may not be that easy but at least, i should try to take it easy and everything will run slickly. As an aspiring educator, his approach to the teaching profession gives me the idea of seeing myself in the future as an effective mentor without stressing my students with a lot of requirements but still guarantees learning as what was expected.
sir, you will remain as one of my favorite teachers not because you have given me wondrous grades, but because of your mitigated impact on my entire student life!
Thank you and GOd bless you ahead!

To Live is to Love
In this chaotic world where everybody is in struggle of their means in their means of survival, seldom do we ponder on the true essence of living. Yet as we continue on our journey, we come to ask ourselves, what are we here for? What is our destined mission in life?
Life may sound ordinary and plain yet so philosophical and full of twists and turns. In all its complexities it is indeed beyond human intellectual capacity. I see life where almost everything is in state of anguish and despondency- war, injustice and rejection these are just few things that justify the fact that the world is in commotion. This may lead us to melancholy and desolation.
Why do we have to stress ourselves with these annoying challenges in life, while in fact, we can also see the positive side of it? I can say that what gives meaning to life is, LOVE! Love is thorny but it is eternal truth in the history of mankind. It unlocks the gate to happiness and allows us to reach our hearts to ourselves and others. It gives us life. A life without love is void.
What it is then to live? Some may painlessly utter an instant answer and others may find it difficult to respond. But I think we are old enough to realize that to live is simply to love. Yes without any doubt, it is! To live is to love take pleasure in every moment of it. Even if we feel unwanted, we must put in mind that if we learn to love unconditionally, everything will definitely run smoothly. We must go beyond imperfections and allow ourselves to love for us to be loved also and never be afraid of rejections I tell you!
We all have the qualifications to love no matter how cruel we think of ourselves, for goodness and love is innate within us. We should not allow obstacles to hinder us from loving for as long as we live in love, we remain true to our hope that life beyond its imperfections remains as a gift from God. So life tells us all to spend it with love and I know we can all live with this virtue accordingly.

Identity crisis has always been an issue of young adults. This is being struggled by Juanito in the film "TATARIN". He could not consider himself as a man at that moment but he must and he should because he is no longer a child. This is a conflict of man vs. himself. What an inevitable phenomena of human existence.
I am now in my 17th year of existence in this wide complicated world yet the question still lingers on my mind. Who really am I? Am I ready to face the challenges brought by this new phase of human life? Yes, I know the answer, but the contradicting reality could not escape from this issue. My brain tells me I should but my physical being keeps on whispering I’m not. I have my friends giving me pieces of advice that I must not deceive myself. I just have to wear the simplest me that I can ever be. What’s wrong being such a lady trapped in a cute girl’s body? Nothing right?
People around me must have to deal with it accordingly. Nothing more, nothing less but this is the real me. The struggle for self-identity remains an issue. But it really depends upon how an individual handle it. There is no need to rush things out, people wait for the right time to be in full bloom of one’s entire personality.